16.03.2020 • 

Set nummatches to the number of elements in uservalues (having num_vals elements) that equal matchvalue. ex: if matchvalue = 2 and uservals = {2, 2, 1, 2}, then nummatches = 3.#include int main(void) {const int num_vals = 4; int uservalues[num_vals]; int i = 0; int matchvalue = 0; int nummatches = -99; // set nummatches to 0 before your for loopuservalues[0] = 2; uservalues[1] = 2; uservalues[2] = 1; uservalues[3] = 2; matchvalue = 2; /* your solution goes here */printf("matchvalue: %d, nummatches: %d\n", matchvalue, nummatches); return 0; }2)write a for loop to populate array userguesses with num_guesses integers. read integers using scanf. ex: if num_guesses is 3 and user enters 9 5 2, then userguesses is {9, 5, 2}.#include int main(void) {const int num_guesses = 3; int userguesses[num_guesses]; int i = 0; /* your solution goes here */return 0; }3)array testgrades contains num_vals test scores. write a for loop that sets sumextra to the total extra credit received. full credit is 100, so anything over 100 is extra credit. ex: if testgrades = {101, 83, 107, 90}, then sumextra = 8, because 1 + 0 + 7 + 0 is 8.#include int main(void) {const int num_vals = 4; int testgrades[num_vals]; int i = 0; int sumextra = -; // initialize to 0 before your for looptestgrades[0] = 101; testgrades[1] = 83; testgrades[2] = 107; testgrades[3] = 90; /* your solution goes here */printf("sumextra: %d\n", sumextra); return 0; }4)write a for loop to print all num_vals elements of array hourlytemp. separate elements with a comma and space. ex: if hourlytemp = {90, 92, 94, 95}, print: 90, 92, 94, 95note that the last element is not followed by a comma, space, or newline.#include int main(void) {const int num_vals = 4; int hourlytemp[num_vals]; int i = 0; hourlytemp[0] = 90; hourlytemp[1] = 92; hourlytemp[2] = 94; hourlytemp[3] = 95; /* your solution goes here */printf("\n"); return 0; }

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