30.07.2021 • 

Stacks of paper arrive at a trimming process with interarrival times of EXPO (10); all time are in minutes and the first stack arrives at time 0. There are two trimmers, a primary and a secondary. All arrivals are sent to the primary trimmer. If the queue in front of the primary trimmer is shorter than ten, the stack of paper enters that queue to wait to be trimmed by the primary trimmer, an operation of duration TRIA (9, 12, 15). If there are already ten stacks in the primary queue, the stack is balked to the secondary trimmer (which has an infinite queue capacity) for trimming, of duration TRIA (17, 19, 22). Run your simulation for a single replication of 5,000 minutes. Collect information about cycle time, resource utilization, number in queue, and time in queue.

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