17.01.2020 • 

Suppose the federal reserve conducts an open market purchase of $100 million by purchasing treasury securities from the bank of morrisland. assume that required reserve ratio is 10%. also assume that currently the bank of morrisland does not hold any excess reserves (i.e. the amount of reserves held by it=10% of its deposits).
1. what would be the effect on the money supply in each of the following situations?
(a) there is only one bank (the bank of morrisland) and the bank decides not to make a loan with the excess reserves.
(b) there is only one bank (the bank of morrisland), and the bank decides to make a loan for the full amount of its excess reserves. (assume that once the loan is made, it does not create any further deposits.)
(c) there are many banks, all of which make loans for the full amount of their excess reserves.

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