22.07.2020 • 

To support National Heart Week, the Heart Association plans to install a free blood pressure testing booth in EL Con Mall for the week. Previous experience indicates that, on average, 10 persons per hour request a test. Assume arrivals are Poisson distributed from an infinite population. Blood pressure measurements can be made a constant time of five minutes each. Assume the queue length can be infinite with the FCFS discipline. A) What average number in line can be expected?
B) What averagenumber of persons can be expecgted to be in the system?
C) What is the average amount of time that aperson can expect to spend in line?
D) On the average, how much time will it take to measure a person's blood pressure, including waiting time?
E) On weekends, the arrival rate can be expected to increase to over 12 per hour. What effect will this have on the number in the waiting linbe?

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