20.02.2020 • 

Which of the following is not a possible defense to a contract? 2. A. The contract is not in writing B. The contract is not entered in freely by both parties. C. The offeror engaged in fraud. D. The offeror engaged in misrepresentation. E. The offeree lost his job and can't pay anymore. 3. Which of the following elements is not necessarily required for a legally binding contract? A. Acceptance by a party. B. Legal object c. Offer by one party. D. Money is exchanged. E. Capacity. 4. The offer and acceptance together constitute the of a contract. , which is the first element e capacity consideration . agreement lack of genuine assent . legal object 5. Suppose Joey and Mikey enter into a contract together. Joey says he will pay Mikey $100,000 to kill one of Joey's enemies. Both parties know this contract involves the undertaking of an illegal act. Under which element of a contract is this contract not enforceable? A. Lack of genuine assent B. Consideration C. Contractual capacity D. Agreement E. Legal object

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