21.02.2020 • 

You sell Blivets on a sliding-price scale. Price per Blivet p in dollars is given by a linear function of q Blivets. You charge $24 each for an order of 1 Blivet and $18 each for an order of 13 Blivets.

a.) Find the linear formula for price per Blivet as a function of quantity q.


b.) Write out the formula for your total revenue for an order of q Blivets.


c.) Recall that marginal revenue at q is given by MR(q)=\frac{TR(q+1)-TR(q)}{1} and compute the marginal revenue for selling 10 Blivets.

= ? dollars per Blivet

d.) The Blivets cost $5 each to manufacture and you have fixed costs of $100. Give the formula for the total cost to produce q Blivets.


e.) What is the maximum profit? Include units. (Assume that you cannot sell a fraction of a Blivet. The quantity that maximizes profit must be a whole number.)

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