13.07.2019 • 

Your company is a long-time customer of widgetcorp. last month, you ordered 5,000 widgets through your widgetcorp sales representative. the rep agreed to give you a discount of 30% on the order because of its large size and the amount of business your company is doing with widgetcorp this year. you also requested a rush order, as you were rapidly preparing product for presentation at a large national conference and expected an unusually high number of orders for your product. the rep wasn't sure that could be accomplished, but promised to do what she could to make the deadline. you received the correct number of widgets, but two days later than required. this caused a shortage of your product at the conference, potentially resulting in lost business and revenue for your company. as well, you've just been shown the bill by your company's accountant, and the bill does not reflect the 30% discount. at minimum, you want the discount you were promised, but you also would like some consideration for the fact the product wasn't delivered on time. assignment write a formal business letter to your widgetcorp sales representative informing that person of your dissatisfaction, requesting an adjustment of some type, and some assurance that the problem gets quick attention.

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