09.04.2020 • 

1. Male dogs try to mate when they smell a female that is "in heat" What kind of stimulus are they responding to?
a) light
b) magnetic
c) chemical
d) mechanical

2. Many animals far from the equator enter a mating season as the days begin to lengthen, but this is not the case for animals near the equator. Why might these animals rely on different stimuli to begin mating?
a) there is always plenty of food near the equator
b)animals near the equator do not nurse their young
c)the length of the day at the equator does not vary much
d)There is too much light at the equator for animals to perceive

3. The following list of steps is out of order. What is the correct order in which these steps occur? 1. you flinch , 2. your ears send a signal along nerves to your brain, 3. a loud noise moves the bones inside your ears, 4. the brain sends a signal along your nerves to your muscles. In what order does it go?
a) 4,3,2,1
b) 3,2,4,1
c) 1,4,2,3
b) 4,3,1,2

4. A visual stimulus that leads to mating for peahens is the sight of a peacocks large, bright colored tail. Why might natural selection have given rise to this stimulus that signals a good mate?
a) Males with bright tails will draw predators away from the chicks
b) Males with larger tails can keep hens and chicks dry when it rains
c) Males with larger tails can provide more warmth when incubating eggs
d) Males with larger tails must have plenty of access to food because of the nutritional demands it takes to grow such plumage

5. Blue whales migrate to warm, tropical waters in the winter. They return to cold, polar waters in the summer, Calves are only born in winter. which of the following explains why?
a) there is more food for them to eat in the warm water
b) calves need to be born closer to the sun to learn how to migrate
c) calves would die of cold in the polar waters where the whales spend the summer
d) tropical oceans are more shallow, and the calves cannot swim well when they are born

6. You taste a new flavor ice cream. It is delicious! IT becomes your new favorite flavor. You remember how good it tasted, and you eat is as often as you can. At your next birthday, you ask if you can have some of that ice cream. In this scenario, what has your brain done with the information?
a) your brain processed that you liked the ice cream and then forgot the information each time
b) your brain stored a negative reaction to the ice cream
c) your brain stored the information that you liked the ice cream as a memory
d) your brain received information from your eyes that you liked the ice cream the first time

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