08.11.2020 • 

1. Santorini a. The Mississippi River Freezes in New Orleans 2. Mt. Vesuvius b. ___9__ The Year Without a Summer
3.Ilopango c. 11_ Worst Disaster of the 20th Century
4. Mt. Merapi d. __13___ One of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World
5. Mt. Etna e. _10 The Loudest Sound Ever Recorded
6. Laki f. ___7__ The Most Voluminous Stratovolcano of the Cascades
7. Mt. Shasta g. Ten Times the Eruption of Mt. St. Helens
8. Mt. Redoubt h. An Avalanche that Sped at 110-240 km/hr for 24 km
9. Tambora i. ___2__ Buried Pompeii
10. Krakatau j. The Mountain of Fire
11. Mt. Pelee k. ___15__ One of the Most Active Volcanoes on Earth
12. Santamaria l. __14___ Volcanic Ash 4000 km Away in San Francisco
13. Paricutin m. _1 The Legend of Atlantis
14. Mt. St. Helens n. __8___ Nearly Brought Down a 747
15. Kilauea o. Cyclops Fashioned Lightning Bolts for Zeus
16. Mt. Pinatubo p. ___3__ Redirected the Mayan Empire

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