13.12.2021 • 

50 PTS MARKING BRAINLIEST Linus Pauling, who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, announced that he had found that taking massive doses of vitamin C could prevent and treat a cold. He based this claim on the results of a single trial on a group of school children at a skiing camp in the Swiss Alps. The children that were given 1 gram per day of vitamin C showed a significant decrease in frequency of colds compared to children at the same camp who were not given additional vitamin C. Which of these statements correctly assesses Pauling's claim? Pauling's daim must be correct because his evidence supported it. Pauling's daim is not correct because he did not work with another scientist. Pauling's daim must be correct because he won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Pauling's daim is not correct because he did not gather enough empirical data.

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