19.01.2021 • 

An argument is i hate mods a well-supported appeal to logic

an anecdotal appeal to emotion

a philosophical appeal to science

an interesting appeal to ethics

okay yk what bc yall mods rlly are p.u.s.s.ies, u hide behind a fkn flag- biggest pu.s.s.y move ever. if i rlly am bothering u that much, j say it, dont be deleting the questions or answers bc ur bothered by it. likeee uhmm XD. i wanna back slap yall so much. and i fkn know im not the only one who does, you mods are dum and honestly should stop, its pathetic. yall rlly have no life huh.

LoveYourselfFirst, europa2433, Grayson03 , yall need to stop. your doing to much, like wayyy to much, your abusing your power, sum1 needs to supervise yall or something. its not cute nor is it funny. j stop its pis.sing a whole lot of us off

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