21.09.2020 • 

[Ca2 ] within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is 10-3M. Cytosolic [Ca2 ] is 10-7M. Lysosomes in mammalian cell have an internal pH of 4.0. The cytosolic pH of a typical mammalian cell is 7.0. Which transport reaction has a greater (more positive) Delta Gc , H import from the cytosol into lysosomes or Ca2 import from the cytosol into the ER? A. H+ import into the lysosome because it has the steeper concentration gradient.
B. Ca2+ import into the ER because it has the steeper concentration gradient.
C. H+ import into the lysosome because it is a monovalent cation.
D. Ca2+ import into the ER because it is a divalent cation.
E. Delta Gc is the same for both ions because their concentration gradients are the same.

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