08.04.2020 • 

Calculate the work to show how you get the answer.

Q1. The temperature of a 100.0-g block of ice increases by 3.00°C. How much heat does the ice receive? A1: 627 J

Q2. Ten grams of steam absorbs 60.0 J of heat. What is the temperature increase of the steam? A2: 3°C

Q3. A piece of lead loses 78.0 J of heat and experiences a decrease in
temperature of 9.0°C. What is the mass of the piece of lead? A3: 66.7 g

Q4. What is the specific heat of a substance in J/g°C, if a 15 gram piece of the substance gains 65 J of heat when it is heated from 10°C to 45°C? (No Answer, gotta solve it)

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