22.04.2021 • 

Does anyone wanna roleplay?~ Don't waste a answer on saying: nO thankS or that sh*, just say what you wanna in the COMMENTS. Or don't say anything at all. Bio down below! Name:Selina~Sexuality:Bisexual~Age:15~Hobby:singing, reading, dancing, watching tv-~About me: I'm childish sometimes, i'm stubborn ->-, I have a big ego u3u, i'm kinda weird but I'm open about it uwu, i'm afraid to be on stage- ovo, I get mad sometimes ovo, I'm WAAYYY too overprotective- ahem, so im told-, i get flustered easily XX
P.S I'm a bottom ★~(◡︿◕✿) ★~(◡﹏◕✿)★~(◡‿◕✿)

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