10.09.2019 • 

Hydrogen atom emission spectra measured from the solar corona indicated that the 4s orbital was 102823.8530211 cm-1, and 3s orbital 97492.221701 cm-1, respectively, above the 1s ground state. (these energies have tiny uncertainties, and can be treated as exact numbers for the sake of this problem.) calculate the difference in energy (j) between these levels on the basis of these data, and compare this difference to that 42 chapter 2 | atomic structure obtained by the balmer equation in section 2.1.2. how well does the balmer equation work for hydrogen? (data from y. ralchenko, a. e. kramida, j. reader, and nist asd team (2011). nist atomic spectra database (ver. 4.1.0), [online]. available: http: // physics.nist.gov/ asd [2012, january 18]. national institute of standards and technology, gaithersburg, md.)

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