25.07.2019 • 

Igive 21 points +++ ! decompression sickness, or “the bends” as it’s commonly known, is a fear for many scuba divers. under the extreme pressure of the deep ocean, nitrogen and other gases from the air dissolve in a diver’s body tissues. if the diver rises too quickly, the sudden decrease in pressure causes the dissolved gas to bubble out of the tissue. the bubbles can enter a blood vessel and cause intense pain, and sometimes more severe injury. but what if the diver is a whale? previously, it was thought that whales did not suffer from the bends. scientists have discovered evidence in beached whales of nitrogen bubbles expanding and damaging vital organs. it is believed that sonar waves from nearby ships may have frightened the whales, causing them to surface too quickly. this can result in the bends. scientists have found small gashes in the bones of whale fossils, which are a sign of the bends. what conclusions can you draw from these fossils?

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