11.03.2020 • 

In a fusion reaction, the nuclei of two atoms join to form a single atom of a different element. In such a reaction, a fraction of the rest energy of the original atoms is converted to kinetic energy of the reaction products. A fusion reaction that occurs in the Sun converts hydrogen to helium. Since electrons are not involved in the reaction, we focus on the nuclei. Hydrogen and deuterium (heavy hydrogen) can react to form helium plus a high-energy photon called a gamma-ray: ¹H + ²H → ³He + γObjects involved in the reaction: Rest Mass Particle # of protons # of neutrons Charge (atomic mass units) 1H (proton) 1 0 +e 1.0073 2H (deuterium) 1 1 +e 2.01363He (helium) 2 1 +2e 3.0155gamma-ray 0 0 0 0Although in most problems you solve in this course you should use values of constants rounded to 2 or 3 significant figures, in this problem you must keep at least 5 significant figures throughout your calculation. Problems involving mass changes require many significant figures because the changes in mass are small compared to the total mass. In this problem you must use the following values of constants, accurate to 5 significant figures:Constant Value to 5 significant figuresc (speed of light) 2.9979e8 m/se (charge of a proton) 1.6022e-19 coulombatomic mass unit 1.6605e-27 kg1/(4πϵ₀) 8.9875e9 N·m^2 /C^2The deuterium nucleus starts out with a kinetic energy of 2.07e-13 joules, and the proton starts out with a kinetic energy of 4.14e-13 joules. The radius of a proton is 0.9e-15 m; assume that if the particles touch, the distance between their centers will be twice that. What will be the total kinetic energy of both particles an instant before they touch? K₁ₕ + K₂ₕ = 4.9286e-13 joules

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