14.09.2019 • 

Modern coins are made using an electrochemical plating process: the mint starts with a steel core, which can be assumed to be pure iron. step 1: electrochemically coat the steel (iron) core with copper using a copper(ii) solution step 2: electrochemically coat the copper/steel core from step 1 with nickel using a nickel(ii) solution. (1 mark) write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction between iron and copper(ii) in step 1. a. b. (1 mark) what is the minimum voltage in units of volts that is required or is produced to coat the copper with nickel under standard conditions? the reaction is: cu(s)+ ni2.(aq)-cu2 (aq)+ ni(s) (1 mark) for each electrochemical step, indicate whether it is spontaneous or not spontaneous (circle the correct answer). c. step 2 step 1 not spontaneous not spontaneous spontaneous spontaneous (1.5 marks) if step 2 is carried out in a solution that is 0.0025 m copper(ii) and 5.4 m nickel (ii), d. what is the minimum voltage in units of volts that is required or is produced? (1.5 marks) rhodium is commonly plated on to gold and silver coin items to prevent tarnishing. the item to be plated is attached to the cathode and immersed in a 0.020 m solution of rhodium (lii). a current of 2.5 a is applied using a 3.0 v power supply across a platinum anode and the cathode for 3.5 minutes at 25°c. what mass of rhodium is deposited? e.

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