13.07.2019 • 

More than one reaction consider the following two gas-phase reactions a+ b= 0 2c=d (a) what are the two equilibrium equations relating the two unknown extents of reaction and the initial gas-phase compositions? you can assume the pressure is low enough that the gases are ideal. (b) what is the equilibrium gas-phase composition at 2.0 atm total pressure given initial gas-phase composition ya = ye = 0.5, y = y = 0, and ki - 1.0. k2 = 2.57 solve the two nonlinear equations numerically. if a computer is not available, you can use trial and error (partial ya - 0.31). (c) what is the equilibrium gas-phase composition at 2.0 atm total pressure given initial gas-phase composition ya - yc = 0.5, y yd 0

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