22.02.2020 • 

P4-230 The production of ethylene glycol from ethylene chlorohydrin and sodium bicarbonate CH2OHCH2Cl+ NaHCO3 (CH2OH)2+ NaCI + CO2 is carried out in a semibatch reactor. A 1.5 molar solution of ethylene chloro-hydrin is fed at a rate 0.1 mole/minute to 1500 dm^3 of a 0.75 molar solution of sodium bicarbonate. The reaction is elementary and carried out isother-mally at 30�C where the specific reaction rate is 5.1 dm^3/mol/h. Higher temperatures produce unwanted side reactions. The reactor can hold a maximum of 2500 dm^3 of liquid. Assume constant density. (a) Plot the conversion, reaction rate, concentration of reactants and products, and number of moles of glycol formed as a function of time.

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