25.02.2020 • 

Part 1: Research

Research a minimum of 10 reusable/recyclable materials such as: empty soda bottles/cans, milk containers, water bottles, egg cartons, aluminum foil, paper (of any kind like paper towel rolls, magazines/catalogs, phone books, paper bags, cardboard boxes, newspaper, toilet paper, etc.), empty mail envelopes, glass containers, juice boxes, pie plates, styrofoam (such as restaurant take- out containers), plastic bags, etc. Things to report on should include the following:
How long it takes to decompose in a landfill
How much of the material can be recycled
What materials it can be recycled into/what ways it can be reused – try to find two unique ways.
Part 2: Design Your Presentation

Design your presentation using Word, Power Point, Publisher, Prezi, Paint, or any other program you are familiar with.
Use at least one page/slide for each item your researched
Include images/graphics that show your items and how they can be used
Include a page/slide where you can give suggestions on how people can better recycle at work/home – try to include some unique or not so common ways
Have a References page/slide, listing all the sites you used in your research
Be Creative! You want to encourage people to recycle more.
Submission Requirements
Presentation with at least 12 pages/slides, one for each material, one for their list of suggestions, plus their Reference page/slide
Should include at least 1 image on each slide about their item
Good information on their 10 materials, including:
How long it takes to decompose in a landfill
How much of the material can be recycled
What materials it can be recycled into/what ways it can be reused, with at least two unique ways.

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