18.05.2021 • 

Percent by mass = (mass of solutel mass of solution) x 100 1. Using the formula equation above, calculate the percent by mass for C&H12O6, if mass for
C6H12Os is 45.8 g and 150 g of H20. (2.5 pts)
A. 23.39%
B. 13.38%
C. 30.35%
D. 69.47%
E. None of the above.
2. Using the volume of 150 mL of the previous solution in question 1, calculate the
molarity of this solution. [Molarity (M) = (moles of solute/liters of solution) x 100] (2.5
1.9 X 10%M
B. 2.00 X 10 M
C. 1.69X10M
D. None of the above
3. Calculate the molarity of a 2.43 mol aqueous NaCl solution with a density of 2.00 g/mL.
(2.5 pts)
A 3.25M
B. 4.00M
C. 4.25M
D. 2.25M

Percent by mass = (mass of solutel mass of solution) x 100

1. Using the formula equation above, c

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