06.05.2021 • 

Please Hurry! 1. Nickel has a density of 8900 kg/m3. The mass of a piece of nickel is 250 g. What is its volume?
2. A hockey puck is placed in an overflow can. The puck displaces a volume of 300 mL of water. If the puck has a mass of 650 g, what is the density of the puck?
3. An empty graduated cylinder has a mass of 45.6 g. When the graduated cylinder is filled with 38.6 mL of liquid, the total mass of the cylinder and liquid is 58.2 g. Calculate the density of the liquid.
4. a) What happens when vegetable oil is poured into a beaker that has some water in it? Explain.
b) If an iron ring is dropped into a beaker of mercury, what should happen?
c) If a gold ring is dropped into a beaker of mercury, what should happen?
9. The density of gasoline is 690 kg/m3 and the density of turpentine is 870 kg/m3. Suppose you find a 5 L can that is full of one of these liquids. You do not know which, and the label has fallen off. How could you tell which one is in the can without removing the lid?

****This one is important****
Please can someone explain or give the answers for the screenshot I have attached?
Please and thank you!

Please Hurry!

1. Nickel has a density of 8900 kg/m3. The mass of a piece of nickel is 250 g. What

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