06.10.2021 • 

Thermoelectric Bridge CER: Design and Draw In our demo, we tested a prototype of a bridge that used solar
radiation to conduct thermal energy to thermoelectric generators
to generate electricity. Design and draw a bridge that will
efficiently conduct thermal energy to the generators. Will you
leave the generators on top of the bridge as in the demo or will
you move them? How can you use your knowledge of insulators
and conductors to protect the generators from overheating and
burning like they did in our demo? Be creative as you design
your bridge! Make it functional as well. Where will people walk,
bikes ride, and cars drive? Will you include anything aesthetic
(visually appealing)? Draw and label your bridge below!
- 3 generators
- Bridge
- Sun
- Convection, conduction, radiation labeled
1. Where did you place the generators, and how does affect
receiving thermal energy?
2. What insulators and/or conductors did you utilize?

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