13.03.2021 • 

Will give brainliest Assignment: Wind and Ocean Current Pattern Exploration

1. Using a red-colored pencil, trace the patterns of the prevailing winds on the map. Be sure to include the following prevailing winds:
• Prevailing Westerlies
• Trade Winds
• Northern Subtropical Gyre
• Southern Subtropical Gyre
• Doldrums
2. Draw arrows on each pattern to show which direction the wind blows.
3. Label the various prevailing winds with their appropriate names.
4. Sketch the major ocean currents onto the map using a blue-colored pencil. Be sure to include the following ocean currents:
• Japan Current
• Northern Equatorial Drift
• Southern Equatorial Drift
• Gulf Stream
• West Wind Drift
• Brazil Current
5. Draw arrows on each pattern to show which direction the surface current flows.
6. Label each ocean current pattern with its correct name.
7. In the box provided, create a legend, being sure to key the different colored lines.
8. Finally, label your map with an appropriate title.
9. Answer the following questions.

1. Compare the direction of the currents in the North Pacific Ocean with those of the South Pacific Ocean. How are they alike and similar? Explain the reason for the similarities and differences.

2. What relationship between wind and ocean currents do you notice after observing your map?

Will give brainliest

Assignment: Wind and Ocean Current Pattern Exploration
1. Using a

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