24.09.2021 • 

You are a meteorologist working with a team researching high altitude wind patterns across the high Texas plains in the winter. Your team is working with high altitude weather balloons and needs to purchase two more balloons for your research. In order to conduct the necessary research, you need one balloon that can reach altitudes of 28,000 feet (around -48.6°C and 0.298 atm on average) and another that can reach 71,000 feet (around -54.1°C and 0.0443 atm on average). Your research of different weather balloon options identifies a balloon that can reach a volume of 95,000 Liters before it bursts. It says that it must be filled to 7,584.4 L of Helium gas on the ground(25.0°C, 1.00 atm) before being released. You will need to produce a report or briefing that will be delivered to your team leader regarding the weather balloon option that you have been researching.Your report should include the following.1. A calculation of the volume of the balloon at 28,000 feet and 71,000 feet.2. An indication of whether the weather balloon would work for your research purposes or not3. An explanation of why the balloon either bursts or remains intact. This should refer to the pressure, temperature, and volume of the gas inside the balloon and outside the balloon and how these variables cause the balloon to burst or remain intact.

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