17.05.2021 • 

You need to describe a testable hypothesis from the research question. Predict what will happen and ensure that you include both an IV and DV.
You should use ‘if, then...’ for your hypothesis.
You should write 1-2 sentences for your ‘because’ and ensure the scientific reasoning makes sense.
If my IV , then my DV will .

State your IV
Describe the variable being manipulated or changed and how
My IV is the types of balls that are being used to roll the ball from the top of the ramp to the target

The variables that are being changed is the balls. The variables are being changed because I will see which ball is the fastest and most accurate to hit the target.
I’ll just change the ball when I finished the third trial of the first ball. I’ll put the ball on top of the ramp and roll it down.
State your DV

Describe the variable being measured and how. How many trials?
My DV is the time that it takes for the ball to hit the target

We need to measure the time for the ball to hit the target to find out which ball is the fastest/slowest, the most effective and accurate. I’ll use a timer to measure how much time is needed for the ball to touch the target (measure in second) and record it into the chart. Each one has three trial. Then calculate the average.

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