A system uses three (3) temperature sensors produced by the same vendor V1 to monitor the condition of a hardware device at a specific time: – The first sensor is of type TS1. – The second sensor is of type TS2. – The third sensor is of type TS3.TS1, TS2, and TS3 accept as input a date (date/month/year: 18/03/2020) and time (given in Eastern Standard Time or EST) and return a temperature in Fahrenheit. Time is in the 24-hour time keeping system (e.g., 23:59:59). V1 supplies a class to interface with its sensors:Class TS1 {Public double getTemp(date d, time t) {// returns Temp in Fahrenheit // t is in EST time // t is in the 24-hour time keeping system (e.g., 23:59:59) // Code Goes here} }Class TS2 {Public double getTemp(date d, time t) {// returns Temp in Fahrenheit // t is in EST time // t is in the 24-hour time keeping system (e.g., 23:59:59) // Code Goes here} }Class TS3 {Public double getTemp(date d, time t) {// returns Temp in Fahrenheit // t is in EST time // t is in the 24-hour time keeping system (e.g., 23:59:59) // Code Goes here} }We would like to add a third sensor of type TS4 provided by vendor V2. TS4 accepts as inputs a year, month, day, and time (specified in Pacific Standard Time or PST) and returns a temperature in 1/10 of Celsius. Time is specified in the AM/PM format (12-hour clock).Below is the interface for TS4:Class TS4 {Public double getTS4Temp(year y, month m, day d, time t, string when) {// returns Temp in 1/10 Celsius // Fahrenheit = (Celsius -32) * 5/9 // t is in PST time // t is specified in the AM/PM format (12-hour clock) // PST = EST – 3 // when="AM" or when="PM" // Code Goes here} }1) Give the UML class diagram for the application using the object adapter pattern.2) Provide the implementation code of the UML class diagram given in question 1 in Java. The client application should read a date and time from the user and compute the average temperature of the four sensors at that date and time.

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