Hello, this is a 2 part question for my beginning assembly class. Thank you in advance for your help

Boolean Calculator (1)

Create a program that functions as a simple boolean calculator for 32-bit integers. It should display a menu that asks the user to make a selection from the following list:

1. x AND y

2. x OR y

3. NOT x

4. x XOR y

5. Exit Program

When the user makes a choice, call a procedure that displays the name of the operation about to be performed.

Boolean Calculator (2)

Continue the solution program from the preceeding exercise by implementing the following procedures:

- AND_op: Prompt the user for two hexadecimal integers. AND them together and display the result in hexadecimal.

-OR_op: Prompt the user for two hexadecimal integers. OR them together and display the result in hexadecimal.

- NOT_op: Prompt the user for two hexadecimal integers. NOT the integer and display the result in hexadecimal.

- XOR_op: Prompt the user for two hexadecimal integers. Exclusive-OR them together and display the result in hexadecimal.

The following is what our professor has given us help with:

Include Irvine32.inc

msgMenu " Boolean Calculator ", 0dh, 0ah
BYTE 0dh, 0ah
BYTE "1. x AND y" , 0dh, 0ah
BYTE "2. x OR y" , 0dh, 0ah
BYTE "3. NOT x" , 0dh, 0ah
BYTE "4. x XOR y" , 0dh, 0ah
BYTE "5. Exit program" , 0dh, 0ah, 0dh, 0ah
BYTE "Enter integer>" , 0

msgAND BYTE "Boolean AND", 0
msgOR BYTE "Boolean OR", 0
msgNOT BYTE "Boolean NOT", 0
msgXOR BYTE "Boolean XOR", 0

msgOperand1 BYTE "Input the first 32--bit hexadecimal operand: ", 0
msgOperand2 BYTE "Input the second 32--bit hexadecimal operand: ", 0
msgResult BYTE "The 32-bit hexadecimal result is: ", 0

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