Implement a function with signature barGraph(w, h, data) which creates and returns a cs1graphics.Canvas instance that has width w and height h and which visualizes the given data as a bar graph. The data will be a nonempty list of positive integers. (You do not need to error-check the parameters.) Your visualization must have rectanglar bars with equal width that collectively use 80% of the width of the canvas (leaving 10% padding on left and right) and the bars should be vertically aligned at their bottom edge such that the maximum value in the data results in a bar that uses 80% of the height of the canvas (leaving 10% padding at top and bottom). As an example, the call barGraph (400, 300, [5, 8, 2, 7]) should produce the following image: from cs1graphics import * def barGraph(w, h, data): pass

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