In java I need help on this specific code for this lab. Problem 1:

Create a Class named Array2D with two instance methods:

public double[] rowAvg(int[][] array)

This method will receive a 2D array of integers, and will return a 1D array of doubles containing the average per row of the 2D array argument.

The method will adjust automatically to different sizes of rectangular 2D arrays.

Example: Using the following array for testing:

int [][] testArray =


{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6},

{ 6, 7, 8, 9, 11},

{11, 12, 13, 14, 16}


must yield the following results:

Averages per row 1 : 3.20

Averages per row 2 : 8.20

Averages per row 3 : 13.20

While using this other array:

double[][] testArray =


{1, 2},

{4, 5},

{7, 8},

{3, 4}


must yield the following results:

Averages per row 1 : 1.50

Averages per row 2 : 4.50

Averages per row 3 : 7.50

Averages per row 4 : 3.50

public double[] colAvg(int[][] array)

This method will receive a 2D array of integers, and will return a 1D array of doubles containing the average per column of the 2D array argument.

The method will adjust automatically to different sizes of rectangular 2D arrays.

Example: Using the following array for testing:

int [][] testArray =


{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6},

{ 6, 7, 8, 9, 11},

{11, 12, 13, 14, 16}


must yield the following results:

Averages per column 1: 6.00

Averages per column 2: 7.00

Averages per column 3: 8.00

Averages per column 4: 9.00

Averages per column 5: 11.00

While using this other array:

double[][] testArray =


{1, 2},

{4, 5},

{7, 8},

{3, 4}


must yield the following results:

Averages per column 1: 3.75

Averages per column 2: 4.75

My code is:

public class ArrayDemo2dd


public static void main(String[] args)


int [][] testArray1 =


{1, 2, 3, 4, 6},

{6, 7, 8, 9, 11},

{11, 12, 13, 14, 16}


int[][] testArray2 =


{1, 2 },

{4, 5},

{7, 8},



// The outer loop drives through the array row by row

// testArray1.length has the number of rows or the array

for (int row =0; row < testArray1.length; row++)


double sum =0;

// The inner loop uses the same row, then traverses all the columns of that row.

// testArray1[row].length has the number of columns of each row.

for(int col =0 ; col < testArray1[row].length; col++)


// An accumulator adds all the elements of each row

sum = sum + testArray1[row][col];


//The average per row is calculated dividing the total by the number of columns



} // end of main()

}// end of class

However, it says there's an error... I'm not sure how to exactly do this type of code... So from my understanding do we convert it?

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