
complete the following functions. you must, must, must add:

1) a doc comment in the proper location for each function that describes
the basic purpose of the function.
2) at least 5 doc test comments in each function that:
* test that the function does what it is supposed to do
* tests that it does what it's supposed to do with odd inputs
* tests "edge" cases (numbers at, just above, just below min/max, empty strings, etc.)

you must, must, must then test each of your methods by both:

1) running the "main.py" script
2) running this module directly to run the doc tests

except as noted, you can implement the functions however you like. and if your grade-school
math's out of date, google's your friend for formulas (but not for code).

challenge: use try/except blocks to avoid crashes when passing in unexpected parameters.


return the area of a circle with a radius supplied by the parameter.
note that you must use the "pi" constant from the math module, so
use an import statement. if the radius passed is less than 1 or
greater than 1000, print "error" and return 0.


return the surface area of a sphere with the supplied radius. slightly
different error check here: if the radius passed is less than 1 or
greater than 250, print "error" and return 0.


return the volume of a sphere with the supplied radius. again, slightly
different error check here: if the radius passed is less than 1 or
greater than 100, print "error" and return 0.

# import that pi constant here

from math import pi
def circle_area(radius):
area = math.pi * radius**2
if radius > 1 or > 1000:
return 0

from math import pi
def sphere_surface_area(radius):
sa = 4 * math.pi * radius * 2
if radius < 1 or radius > 250:
return 0

from math import pi
def sphere_volume(radius):
sv = 4 * math.pi * radius * 3
if radius < 1 or radius > 100
return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest

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