Queues 4 Queue ADT You have already created and tested a queue class for strings. Now you have to convert it into templates, so it would work with any data type. To demonstrate the QueueADT class, create two queues: • the first queue contains the names of the students enrolled in CIS 220 the second queue contains the number of units each student is taking this quarter Write code in main to test these functions. Write a loop to enter an unknown number of names (assume one word strings). The loop stops when you enter #. As you are entering names, they are to be inserted into the first queue. To test the getLength function display the number of values in both queues, then write another loop to enter the number of units (double) into a parallel queue. Display the two queues in parallel. On the last two lines display the front element in the first queue and the rear element in the second queue respectively. Ex.: If the user enters Ann Tim Jamie Bob # for the first queue and 9 4.5 15 13.5 for the second queue, the output should be: Ann 9 Tim 4.5 Jamie 15 Bob 13.5 Ann 13.5 Ex.: If the user enters # the output should be: Empty queue! LAB ACTIVITY | *.0.1 v 4.6.1: Lab: Queues 4 Submission Instructions Downloadable files main.cpp Download Compile command g++ main.cpp -Wall -o a.out We will use this command to compile your code Upload your files below by dragging and dropping into the area or choosing a file on your hard drive. main.cpp QueueADT.h Drag file here Drag file here Choose on hard drive. Choose on hard drive.

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