Sql dml query in mysql sql query from a single table is 4420, database fundamentals i. ddl we create the following tables in lecture 7 1. customer 2. product 3. orders 4. orderline ii. dml: insert data into tables use the code in lecture8.rtf to insert data iii. dml: query 1. list all data records for all four tables 2. list ids of products in descending order 3. list the cities (distinctly) for the customers 4. list all orderlines have quantity more or equals to 5 5. list all columns of product with the name that contains the string 'laptop 6. list customers who lived in city 'tucson 7. count the number of customers in each city. show the name of the city and corresponding count. 8. list all orders after and on 2008-11-01 9. list all orders between 2008-10-24 and 2008-11-01 inclusive (including both dates) 10. what is the average price for product that is more than $50? 11. list all customers who do not live salt lake city. 12. list all customers who are from slc and whose name starts with the letter 13. list all product ids that show more than twice in orderline table iv. deliverables 1. submit the lab8.txt file that contains your sql statements to canvas

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