The chart lists three different sets of career qualifications in the Transportation and Logistics career cluster.
Career Qualifications for Jobs in the Transportation and Logistics Career Cluster
Title 1
Title 2
Title 3
Capacity for high stamina Willingness to travel Ability to identity hazards
and violations
Abity to stay focused in -Dexterity and ability to Ability to be creative to find
react quickly
solutions to problems
Abity to work with Overall heath, because Knowledge of laws and
the lives of others depend regulations
Has good clenical skills and People skills to deal with Effective teaching and
understands mechanical unruly passengers training skills
Which best lists the titles of the chart?
Title 1 is "Facility and Mobile Management," Title 2 is
"Warehousing and Distribution," and Title 3 is
"Transportation Systems."
Title 1 is "Warehousing and Distribution," Title 2 is "Sales
and Service," and Title 3 is "Health, Safety and
Environmental Management."
Title 1 is "Logistics Planning and Management," Title 2 is
"Transportation Operations," and Title 3 is "Transportation
Title 1 is "Warehousing and Distribution," Title 2 is
"Transportation Operations," and Title 3 is "Health, Safety
and Environmental Management."

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