The following program skeleton determines whether a person qualifies for a credit card. To qualify, the person must have worked on his or her current job for at least two years and make at least $17,000 per year. Finish the program by writing the definitions of the functions qualify and noQualify. The function qualify should explain (display the reason to the screen) that the applicant qualifies for the card and that the annual interest rate is 12%. The function noQualify should explain that the applicant does not qualify for the card and give a general explanation why. #include
using namespace std;
// Write the definitions for the two functions qualify and noQualify here. Do NOT modify the rest of the code
!int main()
double salary;
int years;
cout << "This program will determine if you qualify\n";
cout << "for our credit card.\n";
cout << "What is your annual salary? ";
cin >> salary;
cout << "How many years have you worked at your current job? ";
cin >> years;
if (salary >= 17000.0 &&years >= 2)
II.Sending data into function
Program 6-8 (Section 6.4, subsection "Passing multiple arguments") demonstrates a function with three parameters.Write a program that uses a function with two parameters, which works similarly to Program 6-8.-The program should get two floating point numbers from the user.-It then calls a function named show Average that takes two parameters to display the average of the two input numbers.

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