Tina is the owner of a small graphic design business. She is currently in the market for a new laptop, and is very overwhelmed by all of the options that she is seeing for computers on popular e-commerce websites like Best Buy and Amazon.Tina wants to ensure that the computer that she ends up purchasing can handle software like Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop and that it can render photos quickly as time means money for her trade.As a student of ISM3011, you've read about the various components of a computer and are in a great position to be able to offer a recommendation to Tina so that she may purchase a computer that aligns with her specific needs. Given what you know, you'd recommend a laptop for Tina that has at least a [ Select) ["quad core processor", "dual core processor", "bus", "serial port", "USB C port", "laser drive"] and has at least 8 GB of RAM.

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