Using the rand () function, fill 5 arrays of integers with the same 10 random numbers. these numbers should be values between 1-100. the arrays should hold 10 integers and named; bubblearray, selectionarray, insertionarray, quickarray, and mergearray.

2. you should use the: a. bubble sort function to sort the bubblearray b. selection sort function to sort the selectionarray c. insertion sort function to sort the insertionarray d. quick sort function to sort the quickarray e. merge sort to sort the mergearray each unsorted array should be outputted to a file name assignment2results followed by the sorted version of the array and the time taken to sort the array to the same file.

using c++

how do i edit below to fit the requirements mentioned atop?

current code:


using namespace std;

int main()
int i, j, n=10, temp;
int bubblearray [n];
int selectionarray [n];
int insertionarray [n];
int quickarray [n];
int mergearray [n];
srand (time(null));

for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
int value = rand() % 100 + 1; // random from 1 through 100
bubblearray [i] = value;
selectionarray [i] = value;
insertionarray [i] = value;
quickarray [i] = value;
mergearray [i] = value;

cout < < "this is the randomly generated list for bubblearray: ";
cout < < bubblearray[i] < < " ";


cout < < "\n";
cout < < "\nthis is the list after being sorted by the bubble sort method: ";

i = 0, j = 0;

return 0;

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