20.06.2023 • 
Computers and Internet

Отправляем смс через интернет: легко и просто

Do you have a mobile phone but don't want to spend your monthly plan on high-priced SMS rates? Or do you have an older phone with limited messaging abilities? Either way, sending SMS messages through the internet may be the solution you have been searching for!

What exactly is SMS via the internet?

SMS (Short Message Service) is a simple text communication service that has been in use since the early days of mobile phones. Sending SMS through the internet uses an online platform or application to send messages, providing users with a simple and cost-effective method to communicate with others around the world.

How it works

To send SMS via the internet, first, you need to choose an online platform or application that supports the process. Once you have your chosen platform, registration is usually required, followed by the entry of the recipient's phone number and the message content. After this process, the message is sent out through the internet and, then, to the recipient's phone, like a regular text message.

Why use SMS via the internet?

One reason to utilize this method is to reduce costs. SMS plans on mobile providers can be expensive, especially if you have a significant amount of messages to send. Internet-based SMS messages, on the other hand, are often free, or at the very least, are much cheaper than their SMS counterparts.

Other benefits of using SMS via the internet include:

  1. It is an easy and reliable method of communication
  2. You can easily send messages to a group or individuals
  3. Messages can be sent to phones worldwide
  4. You can access email-to-SMS gateways, which allow you to send SMS messages straight from your email account, making communication faster and easier

Popular SMS platforms

There are numerous online platforms available for sending SMS via the internet; however, some of the most popular include Google Voice, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Skype.

Google Voice

Google Voice is a cloud-based service offered by Google, which enables users to send free SMS messages from a computer, smartphone, or tablet. After registering with Google Voice, users are assigned a unique Google number, which they can use to make and receive calls and messages.


WhatsApp is a free messaging application that is available for both Android and iOS users. The application allows for messages, voice calls, and video calls for free or for minimal costs.

Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger is an integrated messaging service offered by Facebook. It allows users to send and receive messages to other users of the Messenger application, as well as to individuals who have not yet installed the application.


Sending SMS messages over the internet is a quick, easy, and cost-effective method of communication. With numerous online platforms available, sending SMS messages is more accessible than ever before. Whether you are simply looking to save money on your SMS plan, or you require a reliable method of communication that is accessible globally, SMS via the internet can meet your needs.


  1. Is it necessary to use a paid service to send SMS via the internet?
  2. No, numerous free online platforms offer services to send SMS messages via the internet.

  3. Is it possible to send SMS messages through a personal email account?
  4. Yes, many online platforms and email providers offer email-to-SMS gateways allowing you to send SMS messages straight from your email account.

  5. Is it necessary to have a smartphone to send SMS via the internet?
  6. Not necessarily, many online platforms can be accessed via a computer or other internet-enabled device, allowing for easy sending of SMS messages without a smartphone.

  7. Is it possible to send SMS messages to individuals who do not have the same online platform or application?
  8. Yes, many online platforms offer the ability to send text messages to mobile phones worldwide regardless of the carrier or messaging application.

  9. Is sending SMS messages via the internet safe?
  10. Yes, many online platforms utilize encryption and other security measures to ensure that user data is kept safe and secure.

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