25.04.2020 • 

A 4-arm bridge network, adjusted to balance conditions, consists of; arm
AB a standard resistor known to be within 0.1% of 100 ohms arm BC a
variable condenser adjusted to 0.362uF in parallel with a variable resistor
adjusted to 2380 ohms.arm CD a standard resistor known to be within 0.1% of
1uohms. arm DA a coil of inductance L and series loss resistance R. Evaluate
L and R, deriving the equations used. Determine the maximum percentage
error that can be tolerated in each of the variable components if L is to be
determined to within 0.5% and R to within 1% of the correct value. If the
variable components are known to be accurate within the limits so
determine how accurately is the ratio L/R known.

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