20.06.2023 • 
Style and Beauty

What Peeling is Suitable for Sensitive Skin?

Have you ever experienced the frustration of trying a new peeling product only to find that it leaves your skin feeling irritated and inflamed? If you have sensitive skin, you know how challenging it can be to find the right skincare products. Peeling products are known for their exfoliating properties, which can improve the texture and appearance of the skin. However, the wrong peeling product can cause redness and discomfort. In this article, we will explore the different types of peeling products and identify the best peelings for sensitive skin.

The Types of Peeling Products

Peeling products come in different forms and types. Here are the most common types of peeling products:

Chemical Peelings:

Chemical peelings are exfoliating agents that use chemicals to dissolve dead skin cells. These products are often used to treat fine lines, acne, and hyperpigmentation. They come in different strengths ranging from superficial to deep peeling. However, chemical peelings can cause irritation and discomfort, especially for sensitive skin.

Physical Peelings:

Physical peelings include scrubs, brushes, and microdermabrasion. These products physically remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. While physical peelings may be less irritating than chemical peelings, they can still cause redness and inflammation if used improperly.

Enzymatic Peelings:

Enzymatic peelings use natural enzymes to dissolve dead skin cells. These products are often gentler than chemical peelings and can be suitable for sensitive skin. Enzymatic peelings can come in the form of masks or serums.

What to Look for in a Peeling Product?

When selecting a peeling product for sensitive skin, there are a few things to keep in mind. Look for products that are:


Fragrances can irritate sensitive skin, so it's best to avoid products that contain artificial fragrances or essential oils.


Opt for products that are formulated for sensitive skin. These products will be less harsh and irritating.

Low Concentration:

Choose products with a lower concentration of active ingredients. This will reduce the risk of irritation and inflammation.

The Best Peelings for Sensitive Skin

Based on the above criteria, here are some of the best peeling products for sensitive skin:
  1. Enzymatic masks: Enzymatic masks are ideal for sensitive skin as they dissolve dead skin cells gently. Choose a product with papaya or pineapple enzymes for a gentle exfoliation.
  2. Lactic acid peeling: Lactic acid is a mild alpha-hydroxy acid that helps to exfoliate the skin without causing irritation. Look for a product with a low concentration of lactic acid for optimal results.
  3. Glycolic acid pads: Glycolic acid is another alpha-hydroxy acid that exfoliates the skin. Choose a product that contains low concentration glycolic acid pads for gentle exfoliation.


1. Can I use a chemical peeling if I have sensitive skin? It depends on the concentration of the active ingredient and your skin's tolerance level. It's best to start with a lower concentration and patch test before using a chemical peeling on your entire face. 2. Are physical peelings suitable for sensitive skin? Physical peelings can be suitable for sensitive skin, but it's important to avoid harsh scrubs and use products that are formulated for sensitive skin. 3. How often should I use a peeling product? It depends on the product and your skin's tolerance level. It's best to start with once a week and gradually increase frequency if your skin can tolerate it. 4. Can I use a peeling product if I have acne-prone skin? Yes, peeling products can help to improve the texture and appearance of acne-prone skin. However, it's important to choose a product that is formulated for acne-prone skin and patch test before using it on your entire face. 5. Should I use a peeling product before or after cleansing? It's best to use a peeling product after cleansing to ensure that the product can penetrate the skin properly. However, it's important to follow the instructions on the product and avoid over-exfoliating the skin. In conclusion, finding the right peeling product for sensitive skin can be a challenge, but it's not impossible. Look for products that are formulated for sensitive skin, with gentler and lower concentration active ingredients. Remember to patch test before using any new product on your entire face. With the right peeling product, you can enjoy the benefits of exfoliation without experiencing irritation or discomfort.

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