18.03.2020 • 

Prompt the user to input an integer, a double, a character, and a string, storing each into separate variables. Then, output those four values on a single line separated by a space. Enter integer: 99 Enter double: 3.77 Enter character: z Enter string: Howdy 99 3.77 z Howdy Extend to also output in reverse. (Submit for 1 point, so 3 points total). Enter integer 99 Enter double: 3.77 Enter character: z Enter string: Howdy 99 3.77 z Howdy Howdy z 3.77 99 Extend to cast the double to an integer, and output that integer Enter integer: 99 Enter double: 3.77 Enter character: z Enter string: Howdy 99 3.77 z Howdy Howdy z 3.77 99 3.77 cast to an integer is 3

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