25.11.2019 • 

Research online sources to find an authoritative (see above) description of a specific technology for access control of a specific type according to the following: first letter of first name technology type a - h hardware token i - q password alternative r - z biometrics "password alternative" refers to some technology that is an alternative to typing a textual password or passphrase. your technology must not involve typing characters on a keyboard, keypad, or similar device. "hardware token" refers to some physical device that is used in place of (or in addition to) typing a password. the rsa securid token (or any direct derivative of that device) shown in lecture 7 is explicitly excluded for this assignment. "biometrics" refers to a specific technology for measuring some physiological and/or behavioral characteristic used in place of (or in addition to) typing a password. you must find a specific technology that has been implemented, not just a generic description of a type or category of technology. for this answer a manufacturer's web site is considered authoritative (but a seller's web site is show the url of the page that describes the technology you selected and the date and time when you accessed it, as in this fictitious example:

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