19.03.2020 • 

The Redlich-Kwong equation of state is given by p = RT/v - b - a/v(a + b) squareroot T where R = the universal gas constant [= 0.518 kJ/(kg K)], T = absolute temperature (K), p = absolute pressure (kPa), and v = the volume of a kg of gas (m^3/kg). The parameters a and b are calculated by a = 0.427 R^2Tc^2.5/Pc b = 0.0866 * R Tc/Pc where p_c = critical pressure (kPa) and T_c = critical temperature (K). As a chemical engineer, you are asked to determine the amount of methane fuel (p_c = 4600kPa and T_c = 191K) that can be held in a 3-m^3 tank at a temperature of -40 degree C with a pressure of 65, 000 kPa. Use Secant method to calculate 'v' and then determine the mass of methane contained in the tank. Perform 8 iterations. Take x_i - 1 = 0.002, x_i = 0.0032

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