17.06.2021 • 

Water is running through a pipe that is exposed to the heating side of a heat pump. The water is initially saturated liquid water when coming into the pipe. The heat pump's goal is to vaporize the water that is passing through the pipe so that at the exit of the pipe the water is saturated vapor. The water is flowing at 0.06 kg/s at a pressure of 200 kPa. (a) How much heat from the heat pump is required to vaporize the water in the pipe? (5 points)
(b) At what temperature will the water be inside the pipe? (2 points) The heat pump receives heat from the air in a room at ambient temperature. A data sheet from the heat pump manufacturer states that the power used by the heat pump is 35kW.
(c) The value of 35kW was given on a data sheet and not verified. Is it possible that this value is incorrect? (8 points)
The ambient temperature can be chosen by you as a realistic value that you think would be appropriate.

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