26.02.2021 • 

1 4.
Charles Franklin Kettering
Ever since Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity in 1780, inventors have been trying to
find ways to use it. Most of their ideas focused on ways to make everyday chores easier or
safer. Think of the many ways our lives have changed because of electricity. The electric
lightbulb is a good example. Electric light is safe, convenient, and as easy to use as flipping a
switch. The many simple devices that we use every day without thinking all began with a
curious mind and a good idea.
Which BEST expresses the auth
A doubtful
Charles Franklin Kettering had just that sort of curious mind. He was bom on a small farm
in Ohio in 1876. His childhood was spent working on the family farm and attending school
He was always very curious about everything around him. It did not take him long to leam
just about everything there was to know about the tools and machines on the farm
B. pitying
D. respectful
His family did not have much money, so if Charles wanted anything special, he had to
earn it for himself. When Charles' chores on the Kettering farm were done, he had permission
to seek odd jobs on other farms. One of his first jobs was cutting a neighbor's wheat, for
which he was paid $14.00. He used the money to purchase a telephone, a new invention the
Ketterings did not yet have. Charles took it apart, studied all the inside works, and put it back
together again perfectly. This was the first of many electrical and mechanical experiments he
would perform in his lifelong search for new ideas.
Based on the passage, with whi


Charles Franklin Kettering
Ever since Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity in 1780, inve

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