26.01.2021 • 

1.6.2A Movie Mix-Up Graphic Organizer Submit Assignment
Due Mar 18 by 11:59pm Points 10 Submitting a file upload
Available Jan 19 at 12am- Mar 18 at 11:59pm about 2 months
You are a Hollywood movie producer who needs to pitch the "next big idea" to your corporate excutive board in
a few weeks. That means you don't have time to come up with all new characters, so you are planning to
combine your two favorite characters of all time into one movie. Select these two characters from different
books, movies and/or televison show. Use the graphic organizer below to help you organize your thoughts. In
the next assignment you will use this graphic organizer to write your orginal story.
Moe Nixo Graphic Organizer.docx
Make sure you submit your completed organizer.

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