28.02.2020 • 

(1) A baby’s most basic cry consists of a rhythmic pattern which begins with a cry followed by a brief silence and then a shorter higher-pitched whistling sound. (2) Experts believe the basic cry is triggered by hunger, tiredness, or mild discomfort. (3) Researchers have also identified an anger cry. (4) A bit more forceful than the basic cry, the anger cry involves larger volumes of air passing over the baby’s vocal chords. (5) Such a sound might be made when a baby wants to be picked up and is not, or when a baby is put in a crib when it wants to be held. (6) A third type of cry that babies use is the pain cry. (7) A sudden loud wail followed by an extended period of breath holding, the pain cry is the loudest sound a baby can make.

a. Babies have three distinct cries to communicate what they are feeling.

b. The pain cry is the loudest sound a baby can make.

c. Babies communicate differently at different ages.

d. Experts believe that hunger, tiredness, or mild discomfort may cause the basic cry.

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