20.10.2021 • 

1. ""Anybody can go to college if he or she really wants to. 21 didn't have any money, but I worked nights, lifted myself up by my bootstraps, and got a
college degree. "If I could do it, anyone can!” “Is that assumption necessarily
true? What if a person has a large family to support and is living up to or
beyond the limits of his or her income? What if a person hasn't had the good

fortune to be born with great mental abilities? The exceptions could go on
and on. 8“I work because I need the money. Wendy shouldn't be working
here. 1°Her husband makes good money, so she doesn't even have to work."
"Isn't this person assuming that what is true for one is true for all? 12 Couldn't
there be other reasons for working besides the quest for money? "How
about the need to socialize with others or the need to make a contribution?
"Every individual's situation is different.
A. Not everybody can go to college if he or she really wants to.
B. What is true for one person or situation is never true for anyone else.
c. What is true for one person in a situation may or may not be true for
someone else.
D. People are more alike than they realize.

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