27.01.2021 • 

1. Bill and Jane are currently raising their 12-year-old fraternal twins Jeremy and Melinda. Both children attend school, plays sports, and have a few friends in the neighborhood. However, Bill and
Jane are both concerned and curious about how both Jeremy and Melinda transitioned into
adolescence much earlier than their peers; Jeremy began at age 12 and Melinda began at age 10.
They are curious as to how their son and daughter will develop as they grow and impact of their early
onset adolescence.
A. Explain how Lawrence Kohlberg’s Postconventional Stage will impact Jeremy’s development.
B. Explain how the early onset of adolescence may impact Jeremy.
C. Explain how Carol Gilligan’s Ethics of Care may impact Melinda’s development.
D. Explain how the early onset of adolescence may impact Melinda.
E. Explain how both Jeremy and Melinda will change over time according to the following
psychological concepts.
Piaget’s Formal Operational Stage
Erickson’s Psychosocial Development
Emergent Adulthood

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